To Fierce Women Everywhere: Here’s to You

It’s International Women’s Day.

I always say that the greatest loves of my life have all been women – my mother, grandmother, and aunties. They’re beautiful, wonderful humans, as are my best friends, and all of the women I’m lucky enough to work with at Expedition Subsahara. 

If you’ve been around for a while, you know that this company was founded by two fierce African women; our products are handwoven by a strong, fierce group of Senegalese women; and our staff is built of amazing and dedicated women. Together, we have been able to work toward our dual missions of connecting African cultures to the world in a way that is radically respectful, and to one day build a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) school for girls in Senegal. 

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Embrace Equity.” As we celebrate and reflect on the progress we've made as women, we must also recognize that there is still so much work to be done.

According to UNESCO, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of gender disparities in education, with more than 29 million girls out of school. In some countries, such as Niger and South Sudan, less than 10% of girls complete primary school. When girls are denied access to education, they are more likely to experience poverty, illiteracy, and poor health outcomes. This, in turn, can limit their opportunities and potential, as well as contribute to wider social and economic disparities. 

This is why we are on a mission to build a girls STEAM school. We believe that businesses should do good for their communities and that the children of our weavers deserve the same opportunities as the children in the homes where their baskets end up. 

Thank you for being a part of our dual missions. You deserve everything good that this world has to offer and we love you.  

Happy International Women’s Day!

Sofi & The Team