Poverty is not Africa's only story

Everybody reading this probably knows of our mission to build a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) school for girls in Senegal and that each purchase aids in that mission. But aside from our mission, we also work incredibly hard to connect you with a different narrative of Africa than the one most often told. Poverty is not Africa's only story.

As a brand, we reject poverty porn. We know that so often, the story people hear of Africa is poverty. Sometimes, it can be easy to fall into the trap... you know the one. It's where a company creates a narrative of "Help these poor, starving people," rather than showcasing the talents of artists and offering stunning cultural goods. The difficulty is in showcasing and sharing Senegalese culture without doing it in a way that sets us back instead of helps us move forward. Africa is a continent with billions of stories. And when you connect a place with a single story, such as poverty, you reduce people to that narrative.

We are a storytelling culture with multitudes of fables, proverbs and stories passed down through generations of our families. We try to share a side of Senegal that shows how multifaceted, diverse and beautiful our culture is. The most amazing thing about the products we create is that we have the opportunity to tell a story of Senegal and Africa that most people aren't familiar with — our story.

We are on a mission to build a STEAM school for girls because we know that if we're going to move forward as a people, it's essential to do our part. We feel strongly that our part is helping educate young women, so they don't have to leave their country to get an education. That's a big part of our story, but it's just one part. We also work hard to embody radial respect through thoughtful cultural storytelling and are on a mission to create a more understanding and connected world. That last part of our mission is often overlooked but is just as important as the first. 

When you add a piece from our collections to your home or give our products as gifts to your loved ones, we hope that you can see the beauty of a multitude of African stories woven together and shared to bring us all closer together.