Tips for homeschooling and storage solutions

I was reading Ana Homayoun on NPR the other day and loved her advice for homeschooling. Ana Homayoun is an educational coach for students in the Bay Area and here are her top tips for parents who suddenly have to also be teachers (teachers are amazing, seriously).⁣

1- This is a great opportunity for kids to pursue interests they haven't had time to focus on in the past. It could be cooking, building in Minecraft, drawing, or whatever they have an interest in. The point is to let them be creative in something that they actually enjoy.⁣

2- Find a couple of free online resources centered around your kid's greatest biggest interest or passion. Look for resources that will keep them connected to their real-life community — piano lessons, Sunday school, and local dance classes are all going online. You're not going to recreate school in one day, so start small.⁣

3- Have one or two designated areas for learning. Have your kids pack up their materials into a basket so they can put them aside when they're finished.⁣

The article is titled, “Tips For Homeschooling During Coronavirus” by Anya Kamenetz, and is a great read. I hope you and your kids are well, loves.