The Igbo People of Nigeria

The Igbo People of Nigeria

Africa is a culturally diverse continent, with thousands of distinct and unique tribes. One of the largest single ethnic groups in Africa is that of the Igbo people, n...

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The Twa People

The Twa People

Africa is such a beautiful, diverse continent. One of the things we love most in this journey is not only teaching others about our culture, but learning about other p...

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The Venda People

The Venda People

At Expedition Subsahara, we find happiness in learning about other cultures. Today’s spotlight is on the Venda people, who occupy the northeastern corner of South Afri...

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The Serer People of Senegal

The Serer People of Senegal

We love learning about other cultures, and today’s spotlight is on the Serer people.  Numbering more than 1 million in Senegal, the Serer people are the third largest ...

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Ringing In 2022 Together!

Ringing In 2022 Together!

One of my favorite adages is Swahili saying, “Ubuntu.” It means, "I am, because we are." It’s a sentiment that says we are better and stronger together, and that we ea...

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